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Ansible Playbook examples - How to create and access group_vars and host_vars in ansible playbook examples?


Ansible Tutorial for Beginners - How to create and access group_vars and host_vars in ansible playbook?

Create a ansible config file as ansible.cfg file in your project directory:

inventory = hosts 

Create a hosts file as hosts in the project directory

ansnode1 ansible_ssh_host= ansible_python_interpreter=/usr/bin/python
ansnode2 ansible_ssh_host= ansible_python_interpreter=/usr/bin/python


ansnode3 ansible_ssh_host= ansible_python_interpreter=/usr/bin/python
ansnode4 ansible_ssh_host= ansible_python_interpreter=/usr/bin/python



Create a directory group_vars and host_vars in your project directory

├── ansible.cfg
├── external_group_vars_playbook.yml
├── group_vars
│   ├── dbservers
│   └── webservers
├── hosts
└── host_vars
├── ansnode1
└── ansnode2

2 directories, 7 files


Create a file called as external_group_vars_playbook.yml

# YAML documents begin with the document separator ---
# The minus in YAML this indicates a list item. The Playbook contains a list
# of plays, with each play being a dictionary

  - name: 'create and access variables inside the playbook'

  # Target: where our play will run and options it will run with
  hosts: ansnode4
  gather_facts: true

# Task: the list of tasks that will be executed within the playbook
  - name: Displaying groupvars and hostvars from the directory structure
      msg: "{{ db_port }}"
# Three dots indicate the end of a YAML document

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